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ENGL B1A: Wilderness & Civilization: Getting Started


Before you start your research, you need to create a narrow research topic or question that fits the scope of your assignment.  You also need search terms that describe your topic so that you can use them to find sources for your topic. This page will help you do these things.

One of the easiest way to brainstorm is to create a concept map. The idea is to put your umbrella topic in the middle and place a large circle around it. While you do background research you can start to fill in your map with subtopics. Think about the five W's (who, what, where, when, why). You may also want to consider time, location, area of study and genre.  



You can either do your concept map on a piece of paper OR you can use free online tools that allow you to create them virtually. Check out the link below to create a concept map online:

Narrowing Your Topics