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ENGL B1A: Wilderness & Civilization: Finding Books

Using the Library Catalog

You can access the BC Library Catalog by clicking on the first link below, and access the library's E-Book collection by clicking on the second link! 

Helpful Search Terms for This Project

Stuck? Can't find anything in the Library Catalog? Below you will find a helpful list of subjects. 

National Parks and Reserves--United States

Yosemite National Park

Sequoia National Park

Yellowstone National Park

Nature Conservation --United States

Nature Conservation

Wildlife Conservation

Wilderness Areas

General Books


Call Numbers and Finding Books on the Shelf

Call Number= the address of the book on its spine

The signs on the end of the bookcases only refer to first two lines of a call #.

Pay attention to "collection" on the book entry in the catalog:  

REFERENCE= Green-labeled bookcases

GENERAL= White-labeled bookcases

Once in correct aisle, read call number, matching one line at a time, until find the right book.  Browse the shelves around it for possibly more books on your topic.

Subject Headings

The library on-line catalog uses specific labels for subject headings/topics, and books are "tagged" in the computer by those terms according to their topics.  The on-line library catalog is expecting you to use those specific search terms.

If you need help figuring out the right words to use, ask a Reference Librarian!


Search Tips

Here are some of the types of searches you can do, as well as tips:

  • ™"Title begins with”—don’t type articles (the, a, an) at front of title
  • ™“Title keywords”—use AND between words
  • ™“Author last name, first”—always use last, first name
  • ™“Subject begins with” and “Subject keywords”—both use Subject Headings as listed by the LOC—results often list the correct terms to use as “heading is”—can also click on book titles to get related subject headings
  • ™“Word anywhere”—searches the entire catalog entry for the book, not just its subject headings or title; use for poems, plays, short stories
  • ™Search terms need to be main concept/big ideas