The number of search results you get can be overwhelming! For instance, even if you already clicked on the bubble for BC Library Books & eBooks, the results include all the relevant eBooks we have in our EBSCO eBook Academic Collection, which has over 170,000 books! Luckily, you can narrow down or refine your results with the options in the left-hand margin under "Refine my results". For example, if you only want print books, click on "Held by library", and if you only want eBooks, click on "Available online". Be sure to note that some of the online results may also be journal articles or conference papers, so look at the label for each result.
How can I refine my search results?
The number of search results you get can be overwhelming! Even if you already clicked on the bubble for BC Library Books & eBooks, the results include all the relevant eBooks we have in our EBSCO eBook Academic Collection, which has over 170,000 books! Luckily, you can narrow down or refine your results with the options in the left-hand margin under "Refine my results". For instance, since you only want eBooks, click on "Available online". Be sure to note that some of the online results may also be journal articles or conference papers, so look at the label for each result.
How do I open the eBook to read it?
Click on the title of the book you'd like to read. This link will open an information page about the eBook. Next, go to the section for View Online, and click the link.
This will take you to another information page about the eBook. To actually open the book, you need to click on the PDF icon (sometimes you also have the option for EPUB, which will be discussed in another tab) in the left-hand margin.