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HIST B30B: History of Chicanos in the Southwest Since 1848: Finding Primary Sources

This guide is for Professor Gonzalez's History B30B class

Primary Sources

A primary source is something that was created and/or experienced at the time being studied. They provide a first-hand or eye witness account. Examples of primary sources include: historical documents, an artifact, a diary or journal, speeches, oral histories, photos, newspaper clippings, letters, etc. Reproductions of primary sources (remember, we won't have the originals) can often be found in books and on websites. 

The LibGuide called Primary Source LibGuide will walk you through how to find and how to use Primary Sources. 

RUSA LibGuide

Reference and User Services Association (RUSA) of the American Library Association has a LibGuide that contains primary sources for Latin American History. Take a look!!

Chicano Movement Primary Sources