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Evaluating Sources with the DAPPR Test: Relevancy

This guide helps you learn how to evaluate your sources by using a tool called the DAPPR Test.



The final step of the DAPPR test is to look at the relevancy of the source to your topic. For a source to be relevant, the vast majority of the source should be related to your topic--an article that only has a couple of paragraphs about your topic is not nearly as relevant as an article that is entirely on your topic! This is why it's so important to really read the description of a source. Sometimes a source's title sounds perfect for your topic, but once you read the description you realize it's actually not that relevant to the information you actually need. 

Example 1

This video shows an example of a source that looks good at first, but at second glance, isn't as relevant as you might have wanted.

Example 2

Another important thing to consider with relevance is whether the source gives you the kind of information you need! This video explains.