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ART B35: Survey of Western Art History I: Welcome

This guide will help students in Professor Horton's class with analysis of artwork from 30000 BCE to 1300 CE.



Paleolithic Europe Cave Paintings                                 Mesopotamian Art                                                    18th Dynasty Egyptian Queen/King Hatshepsut


Greek Architecture Mathematically Proportionate                  Roman Sculpture                                                     Byzantine Architecture                                             Medieval Monastery Monks and Architecture


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Research Paper Requirements

  • Analysis of artwork from 30000 BCE to 1300 CE.
  • Select one of the 7 essay topics.
  • Be specific with topic you choose--find a piece of art that represents your topic of interest, and use comparisons tied to your thesis.  
  • Need to include image(s) of the work(s) you choose.
  • Need a thesis statement--What stance are you taking on the topic?

  • Must have 4 or more sources that are books or academic journal articles or reputable websites (no more than 2 websites).
  • Encyclopedias, wikis, and art blogs are not acceptable sources.
  • Use MLA for citations and formatting.  

Helpful Resources to Get You Started

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