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De-Stress Fest: Home

Looking for a break in your studies? Need some stress relief? Need study tips and de-stress resources? This guide can help!

De-Stress Fest

De-stress Fest

Welcome to the Bakersfield College Grace Van Dyke Bird Library's De-Stress Fest! 

At the end of each semester, when stress levels start to build as everything is coming to a close in all of your classes and final exams are approaching, we want to support you in every way, including helping you to de-stress!  When you are not able to come to the library for our various de-stress activities and stations, you can find plenty of resources here in this LibGuide.  Take a break, get some study tips, de-stress with some games and relaxation, and take care of your mental health!! Then study hard and finish strong!

Don't Overstress!

From The Ubyssey — Stressed about finals? Don't be! Follow our tips to sleep 7+ hours, eat balanced meals, stretch or walk, meditate, hydrate, take breaks, and laugh.

Keep Calm and Study for Exams

Keep Calm and Study for Exams