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Cite It Right!: APA Citations

Confused about which citation style to use and how to do it right? This guide is here to help!

APA Citation, 7th edition

   This page will help you with APA citation for your sources. If you need further help, please use the links below or ask a reference librarian.

The American Psychological Association recently updated their Style Guide in October 2019 to its 7th edition.


Citing Your Sources in APA Style, 7th edition

Format Guidelines for Reference List:

  • Double-space the References page.
  • One space follows a period.
  • Use a hanging indent format (first line is flush left, all other lines are indented .5 inch. In MS Word, use FormatParagraphHanging Indent).
  • Arrange the list of references alphabetically by authors' last names (or by title if no author).
  • Authors' names are inverted, followed by the initials of their first and middle names (Last name, A.A.).
  • The date of publication follows the author's name in parentheses.
  • If no author is listed, list the source by title, followed by date of publication in parentheses.
  • Capitalize only the first word of the title and subtitle of a book or article.
  • Capitalize the titles of journals, magazines, and newspapers normally.
  • Italicize titles of books, journals, magazines, etc., and the volume numbers of journals as well.
  • Do not include "retrieved from" information, such as the name of the database, nor a URL for the source unless it is an active URL to a website.
  • Do not include place of publication for books (no city and state).

Things to Notice About APA Citations, 7th edition

Similar to MLA.  Biggest differences are:
– only initials for first & middle names, and all entries last name, first initial. middle initial.
– year of publication placement after author, and in (parentheses)
–only capitalize first letter of title and subtitle for books and articles


Cite journal articles, magazine articles, and newspaper articles the same whether in print or digital.  Do not include the name of the database or a URL.  Only include a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) if provided.  The standard format for DOIs is DOI number given).

Cite books, eBooks, and parts of books found in a subscription database the same whether in print or digital.  Do not include the name of the database or a URL.  Do not include the place of publication (city and state).

For webpages or articles found on websites, do not use a period at the end of the URL.  Provide a URL that links directly to the section, not the home page of the website, and is a live hyperlink.  Do not include a "retrieved from" statement.  Only include a retrieval date if the work is designed to change over time.  

Introduction to APA, 7th edition

Examples of APA Citations, 7th edition

Further Breakdown of Source Part of Journal Article Citation:

Example APA, 7th edition Journal Article Citation


Example APA, 7th edition Book or eBook Citation

Example APA, 7th edition Webpage on a Website Citation