This LibGuide is intended to help usher you through your first assignment- the Book Critique Prompt. The skills you learn from this guide and assignment can be used to conduct research on any assignment, for any course throughout your academic career.
This guide will cover everything from researching your topic to picking a book to citing and evaluating your sources. There is also a tab for "Exploring the Library" where you can learn about all the resources the library has to offer.
If any of the information seems overwhelming or unclear, come talk to us librarians and we'd more than happy to help you at any point in your process. You can reach a BC reference librarian by going to the reference desk on the second floor of the library OR going to the BC library page and clicking on the "Ask Us' button, as seen in the picture below. This will connect your directly to a BC librarian, morning, noon, and night (ok, well until 8pm, but you get the picture).