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HIST B17B: United States History from 1865: Citing Sources

This guide is for Professor Newsom's History B17B class assignment- Book Critique Prompt

Cite it Right!

Citing Sources
  • Citations let your professor, or anyone else who reads your work, find the items you used in your research. The key to a successful citation is providing all the information needed for your reader to find the book, article, or other item you are citing.
  • Citing builds your credibility and shows that your ideas are shared by other experts in the field. Citing scholarly, peer-reviewed sources lends extra credibility to your work.
  • Citation avoids plagiarism! Citing your sources properly gives credit to the original author. 
Citing in history means using Chicago/Turabian Styles

Your professor has provided guides for you to refer back to cite your information correctly (see Miller/Lux handout). Below are a few helpful tips on citing correctly to avoid plagiarism and also other sources for citing using Chicago/Turabian style

Hanging Indent Tips

Microsoft Word

1. Cursor on line needing indentation- press "Ctrl" and "T" at the same time

2. Paragraph (should have pop out window) > Under "Indentation", choose "Hanging" in drop down menu > Click "Ok"

Google Docs

Format > Align & Indent > Indentation Options > Special Indent > Hanging

Avoiding Plagiarism

Infograph regarding plagiarism

Sources for Citing Chicago/Turabian Style

Links to Help with Citation 

Take a look at the "Cite it Right" tab on the left hand side of the library homepage for links to Chicago and other citing styles.

Cite It Right page from library homepage

BC Library Chicago Style Citation Guide

Purdue OWL (Online Writing Lab) Chicago Style Citation

"Cite it Right" LibGuide

Citing Books in Chicago/Turabian Style

Chart indicating how to cite books in Chicago Style