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ENGL B2: American Progressive Era: Finding Secondary Sources--Books

This guide was created for Professors Eagan and Llamas' ENGL B2 assignment analyzing history & literature from the American Progressive Era and finding primary sources.

Finding Secondary Historical Sources

For historical information that isn't a primary source, you can use secondary sources. Secondary sources are works that analyze, assess or interpret a historical event, era, or phenomenon. Unlike primary sources, secondary sources are written well after the historical event/era/phenomenon takes place. For example, a book published in 2020 analyzing the effects of the women's movement during the Progressive Era on American society is considered a secondary source. 

Secondary sources can be articles, books, videos, etc.

You can search for books and eBooks in OneSearch by clicking on the link below.

Print Books


These books are found in our eBook collection, so they are available online and not in print on our shelves. Clicking on the book title will take you to a page where you can click on the link under the "View Online" section, which takes you to another page where you need to click on the PDF in the left margin to read the full book.