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OER by Discipline: About this Guide

About this Guide

What this Guide IS

This guide is a jumping off place to find OER/ZTC resources.  There are a number of OER materials in this guide that may be found by discipline, by topic or about Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. There is also a page with OER aggregators. An aggregator is simply a specialized search engine.  All the resources listed are OER, Open Access or Public Domain. But you, as a faculty member, are responsible for sharing responsibly and under the correct licenses. For ZTC resources, which are usually eBooks with unlimited users, please contact a BC Librarian.

This guide is updated as new resources are available so keep checking in. 

What this Guide is NOT

This guide is NOT a definitive listing of OER, Open Access or Public Domain materials.  Resources change all the time.  New ones are added, old ones are removed or should be removed but aren't.  There is no one place that will provide you will all you will need to successfully convert your course into an OER or ZTC course. Think of OER as an exciting adventure into what you can do for your students to help them succeed without having to purchase a textbook.

What this Guide will DO

This guide will provide you with materials that you can use. Please use the tabs on the top to help you with your searches. 

The Discipline tab has resources specific to your discipline.  Feel free to contact a librarian if you find a wonderful resource that you want to share with colleagues.  We will add it to the list.   

If you are unsure about the differences between OER, Open Access, ZTC and Public Domain, please see check the tab with that title or reach out to a BC Librarian.

If you want to build your own OER or you are unsure about attributing your sources, please see the appropriate tabs.  As scholars, you already know about how important citations are.  Attributions are simply citations for OER, Open Access and ZTC materials.  Public Domain resources don't need attributions but it's always nice to add one.


Contact one of our OER Librarians: Joey Merritt or Denise Kane


OER is for Everybody

Open Educational Resources, hands coming from book

Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC)

Zero Textbook Cost Logo


Adapted from OER by Discipline Research Guide by the Merced College Library licensed under CC BY SA  4.0